Juicing or Yuicing…it Might Be a Soft ‘J’

The wet season is nearly over here in Broome! These past couple weeks it’s been especially hot and humid in the upper 30’s but according to my weather app it “feels like the 40’s” (is in the 90s but feels like 100s, for the Americans). The wildlife is flourishing, though. All the rain has made everything lush and green (except the red sand, “pindan”, that still blows around when it’s dry) and the bird and reptile life can be seen everywhere! The mudlark chicks are starting to leave the nest, following their parents around making the must annoying screeching noises ever!Mudlarks Also, all the baby geckos have hatched and they are so tiny and adorable scurrying around everywhere.

Our rainbow lorikeet, Jack,  is settling in nicely. He’s really coming into his own personality, mimicking our wolf whistles, and to my dismay, mimicking the family we live with’s baby crying…not cool, Jack. He’s very playful, rolls on his back constantly trying to play with you with his feet and beak…and biting. Oh the biting. Usually it doesn’t hurt and he’s trying to get his balance or climb up your hair/arm/back but when he grabs your ear you’d think he’s trying to pierce it! OUCH! 

We recently made the global headlines with a large croc catching some waves at a very popular swimming beach a couple weeks ago. Good thing Wally and I weren’t out there that day! Giant Croc! That same week I saw a HUGE shark really close to shore chasing some fish in. It must’ve been 15-20 feet long! We watched it’s shape cruising through the shallow water for ages.

After thinking I ruined my good knee a while back, it’s starting to feel better and the Dr says there are no tears or breaks in ligaments or cartilage. Just the padding that sits under the kneecap suffered the most trauma and will take a while to get back to normal. So now that my knee is on the mend I’ve been trying to get fit again, riding my bike and running on the beach. And hopefully yoga starts again soon since that’s right by my house. And in light of my fitness kick I did a juice cleanse for 3 days. It was only 3 days and it wasn’t so bad at all. Shocking enough the juice was delicious! I rotated through 5 juice concoctions from orange, apple and ginger to tomato, jalapeno, parsley, lemon, kale and carrot & red cabbage, swiss chard, cucumber, ginger and apple. My first meal off the juice put me in a food coma ha ha ha!

ALLIE AND ROB ARE COMING TO TOWN!!!!! They just booked their tickets and I can’t wait I’m so excited! Work wasn’t too happy about me asking for days off in the start of busy season, don’t even care!

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